Edmund Bohan Historian, biographer and novelist, Edmund
Bohan is the author of fifteen books, and has contributed chapters
to another five. An MA honours graduate of Canterbury University,
he was in 1995 the resident John David Stout Fellow at the Stout
Centre, Victoria University of Wellington and is one of the leading
authorities on New Zealand's 19th century political history. His
major works include the historical biographies Edward Stafford,
New Zealand's First Statesman; O Blest Madman, FitzGerald of Canterbury;
and To Be A Hero, a biography of Sir George Grey; the short illustrated
New Zealand, the Story So Far; and seven historical novels. The
Stafford and Grey biographies were Montana Book Award finalists,
and The Irish Yankee was runner up in the Richard Webster Prize
for popular fiction. He has also published many articles, book
reviews and radio talks, takes part in TVNZ' s historical series
Frontier of Dreams, and Prime TV's New Zealand's Top 100 History
In addition to his writing, Edmund Bohan enjoyed a long career
as a professional, international concert and opera singer based
in Britain.
Flint read law and economics at Universities of Sydney, London
and Paris. An Emeritus Professor of Law, he was Chairman of the
Australian Broadcasting Authority, and Associate Member Australian
Competition and Consumer Commission from 1997-2004. He is also
the President, English Speaking Union, National Convenor of Australians
for Constitutional Monarchy, and National President and Second
International Vice-President of the World Jurist Association.
Chairman of the Australian Press Council 1987 - 1997, he was in
the same years Dean of Law of the University of Technology Sydney,
during which term significant changes to Australian legal education
were made.
David has published books and articles on topics such as the media,
international economic law, Australia's constitution and Australia's
1999 constitutional referendum - including The Cane Toad Republic,
Wakefield Press, Kent Town, 1999. He contributes frequently to
the press, and to the ACM website, www.norepublic.com.au. His
recent books include The Twilight of the Elites, 2003, and Malice
in Media Land. He was made a Member of the Order of Australia
in 1995, was recognised with the award of World Outstanding Legal
Scholar, World Jurists Association, Barcelona, in October 1991,
and was made a Member of the Order of Australia in 1995.
du Fresne wrote Free Press, Free Society (1994) and The Right
To Know: News Media Freedom in New Zealand (2005) for the New
Zealand Newspaper Publishers' Association. He has been a journalist
since 1968 and counts himself lucky to have been one of the last
to learn on the job, rather than in a classroom under the tutelage
of people with no practical experience (a fate that befalls many
journalism trainees today). A former editor of The Dominion, he
is now a freelance journalist, columnist and editorial consultant
living in the Wairarapa, where his cycling excursions provide
great sport for magpies.
Gerrit van der Lingen studied geology at Utrecht University.
His first job was in Surinam in South America. In 1965 he came
to New Zealand to join the Sedimentology Laboratory of the NZ
Geological Survey. Since 1990 he worked as a private consultant.
He was also a Research Associate at the University of Canterbury.
From 1991 till 2002 he was involved in paleoclimate research,
studying ocean sediment cores from the Tasman Sea and Southern
Ocean. He retired from paid research three years ago, but remains
active as a anthropogenic global warming skeptic, giving lectures
and writing articles.
McShane - Director, Centre for Research Management Studies
Owen has New Zealand degrees in Architecture and Town Planning
and also studied Urban Economics at UC Berkeley towards a Masters
Degree in City and Regional Planning. In 1996, Don Brash, as governor
of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, commissioned his report on
The Impact of the RMA on Housing Costs, and in 1998
Simon Upton commissioned his Think Piece on Land
Use controls and the RMA. He writes a fortnightly column
for National Business Review, titled Straight Thinking
and has been published in many magazines and newspapers including
the Wall Street Journal and the Far Eastern Economic Review
Windschuttle is a historian, author and publisher. He is a
frequent contributor to Quadrant, Sydney, and The New Criterion,
New York. His historical books include The Killing of History:
How Literary Critics and Social Theorists Are Murdering Our Past;
The Fabrication of Aboriginal History: Volume One, Van Diemen's
Land 1803-1847, and The White Australia Policy. From 1973 to 1994
he was an academic, teaching Australian history, journalism and
social policy at the University of New South Wales, the New South
Wales Institute of Technology, and Macleay College, Sydney. Since
1994 he has been a full-time author and publisher of Macleay Press,
Sydney. He has also been visiting or guest lecturer at Boston
University, New York University, University of Chicago, University
of Illinois at Chicago, University of North Carolina, Duke University,
Princeton University, Adelphi University, Ashland University,
Davidson College, Wellesley College and the National Humanities
Center, North Carolina. In 2003 the Governor-General awarded him
the Centenary Medal for service to Australian society through
history and writing. In 2005 he was nominated to the National
Australia Day Council as Australian of the Year.
David Wiltshire is a theoretical cosmologist, with research
interests in black holes, the large scale structure of the universe
and the theoretical frontiers of quantum gravity. He did his PhD
in Stephen Hawking's group at the University of Cambridge in the
mid 1980s, followed by research and lecturing positions in Italy,
UK and Australia. He returned to NZ in 2001, to the University
of Canterbury, where he is a Senior Lecturer in Physics.